BREAKING: UEW-SRC & LOCAL NUGS Election Postponed | Here Is Why


The interlocutory injunction issued by the superior court of judicature in the high court of justice, Winneba, has caused the UEW-SRC & LOCAL NUGS election to be postponed. 

An unverified rumor that surfaced on the day of the vetting for the various SRC portfolios claimed that SRC President Aspirant Annobil Emmanuel (TEA) and his running companion Effum Amos (DE FOUNDER) received information about the vetting on their smart watches. 

However, this was not the case, and it actually motivated this candidate to issue a statement to clarify what actually transpired that day. This alleged information was what caused them to be disqualified from the position.

Check his statement below; 

“Team Emmanuel Annobil, has noted with concern the sharing of a purely concocted and fabricated narration of happenings before the vetting of Emmanuel Annobil and his running mate Amos Effum on Sunday, 18th September, 2022 and would want to state as follows;

1. That both Emmanuel Annobil and his running mate Amos Effum all through their campaign have been putting on smart watches and both were in same in the morning of the day of vetting.

Reference could be made to flyers of our candidates shared way before the commencement of the vetting process. This is to say that our candidate didn't go to the auditorium with the smart watches because of any ill-intent, but purely because those are the watches they have been wearing throughout the campaign period especially when no rules governing the vetting process prohibited the wearing of watches.

2. That although our candidates were in smart watches when they went to the auditorium in the morning, they didn't appear before the Vetting Committee with it. The said watches were taken away from them around 12pm in the afternoon and they appeared for vetting at about 9pm in the evening, that is about 9 clear hours before their vetting. The supposed message which is in circulation, is said to have been sent to the watch at 5:41pm, a time where the watches were with a member of the Electoral Commission. It therefore beats imagination how such a situation could be linked to malpractice.

3. That it is untrue our candidates had access to any information or questions before vetting, same is the claim that they failed to handover the watches when aspirants were asked to tender in their communication devices. Per information available to us, the EC asked only aspirants with phones to tender them in, and that is how come some aspirants were even using laptops while waiting for their turn for vetting. We wish to add that the splendid performance of our candidates before the Vetting Committee is a reflection of the preparation and hard work they invested in learning.

We conclude by saying that Emmanuel Annobil and Amos Effum are very law abiding students, and that is evident in their approach to registering their dissatisfaction with the vetting results even when there is a lie in the reason given by the EC. We continue to make use of every avenue available to seek redress and will do so to the latter. We continue to urge all our supporters to be resolute and firm while we go through this storm together and gloriously sail safe at the end of it all.”

Since the sector's delays made it difficult for them to really appreciate the institution's court's response, they decided to refer the matter to the Superior Court of Judicature in the High Court of Justice, Winneba, where the court has proposed to impose an interim restraining order on the institution election.

Check Out The Letter From The Court Of Justice Below;

This was posted on Twitter yesterday with the caption; 

A motion for interlocutory injunction has been served and from The Republic VS Moffat and Others; Ex Parte Allotey and other case studies, a process mentioned in a motion for an injunction is halted until the motion is moved and ruled on - AnnobilEmmauel”

We don't currently know when this injunction will be lifted and yet to see or hear any corresponding information. Stay tuned, then


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